Working with Karen is an opportunity to explore whatever is holding you back in life, to transform and integrate unconscious beliefs and emotional traumas, and to align with your true self to bring the presence, peace and love into your life that you truly deserve.
The present moment is our sacred sanctuary. It is the resting place for deep peace and I invite you to drop your attention fully into this moment and gently open to what is here. All emotions and sensations can be held in this pure, unconditional love as we allow ourselves to fully feel, without judgementFrom this space of pure openness and Being, we can gently and honestly observe our experiences, behaviors, and without agenda. thoughts and emotions, and everything that is not aligned with our highest truth will naturally fall away as it is seen in the light of consciousness, allowing our true self, pure awareness to shine through in its totality.
Transcend your story
Through self-enquiry techniques we will unravel unconscious beliefs and conditionings, allowing you to let go of identification with mind-made stories about who you are and gently shift to living in alignment with your truth.
Integrate trauma and blockages
From a space of awareness we will gently drop the attention into the body and open to fully feeling the sensations and emotions present in the moment, allowing for integration of blockages and traumas.
Deepen into Being
Ultimately the most powerful tool is total surrender. When we truly and fully let go of control and simply BE, without trying to change, heal or fix anything, we open up to a greater, divine power, our true nature.

1. Make your payment below.
2. E-mail with your name and time zone.
Single private session: 1 x 60-minute session
One-month package: 4 x 60 minute sessions
Can be done as 2 sessions 2 hours each
Two-month package: 10 x 60-minute sessions
can be done as 5 sessions, 2 hours each