as described by Vashra Alex Narada
Theos as described by Vashta Narada
THEOS is a non-physical collective of beings who have evolved beyond the need for identification with star systems and planets. They are also beautiful guides of humanity, teaching us about Love and Oneness.
I was instantly bathed in their energy as soon as we started talking about a portrait, and I found out there are several reasons for that. I already loved them so much from hearing the channelings a few years back, but we also realized that I connect to them through the soul group connection I have with Karen. So they feel pretty much as close to me as my own Arcturian collective, which is also non-physical. Both feel angelic in nature, both are very clear in their communication, and both are a healing experience whenever I connect with them.
This was the case with Theos as well. I was sitting on the balcony meditating and connecting with them before I started, and at first I wasn't sure if I was sensing my own thoughts or a telepathic communication, but just after I would get a thought that made perfect sense, I would forget it, and I would have to put in some effort to remember what that was. That to me was a clear indicator that I was receiving communication, rather than just thinking to myself while meditating and relaxing, but it felt so close to my essence that at first I found it hard to discern whether it was me or them :)
When I realized it was them, I just started to listen and tune in, and my gaze became lost. This is when it gets interesting. I caught myself looking through the metal mesh of a chair that was in front of me, instead of looking at the open sky above and the trees and birds, behind the chair, through the balcony railing columns. When I noticed that, I moved my gaze up towards the sky and . . .
. . . just like it happens when we look at the sun or a light bulb, the traces of what I was looking at remained in my eyes, overlapping the vision. I could see the metal mesh criss-crossing the sky, as well as the balcony columns behind it. And at that moment they told me: This is how beliefs work. You are already free, but you looked at bars for so long you keep seeing them everywhere. I felt this was an important insight for me, but also for humanity, for all of us. And I also thought they were so clever to show it to me in such a simple example!
Mantis Beings
They also said, "Assume all the time, because we never have all the information available to us when we operate through our minds". And assumptions very quickly turn into personal truths and then beliefs and convictions, all this for something that never happened, not in a way we perceived it with the limited ability of our physical mind. A bit more about the portrait . . . Sometimes they show themselves to people in slightly different forms, so the reason three of them are looking a bit different is not because they are different from one another, but because we perceive them in different ways. Some humans might even see them as mantis beings, even though they have nothing to do with them, just because they are willowy.
Under their 'skin' I saw plasma moving around, swirling, in beautiful opalescent colors, and their eyes were portals into a dimension outside of time and space. A very heavenly feeling realm, which made me think of the Arcturian Corridor (gateway between physical and non-physical worlds), and people's experiences of afterlife.
Source Energy
They are omnipresent (non-local) so they are very easy to connect to and they feel very close to Source energy.
The two crop circles used in the background were chosen carefully, as triads and spirals kept coming up when I was connecting to them. At one point they even stood in a triangular formation and I was looking at them from above, their heads were turned upwards at a slight angle, making a perfect geometry.
They work with blueprints and codes, what we call sacred geometry. They also work with sound! I was hearing beautiful cosmic melodies while working on them.
What I could not show here, due to the angle of the camera, is that they have very elongated skulls. More so than the Arcturian portraits I have done in the past. That also might be the reason why some people sometimes see them as mantis beings.
I have attempted to represent the ultraviolet frequency I felt they were holding as well, but it's hard to work with colors that we can't see :) So hopefully I managed to show it symbolically, at least.
As for Karen, she is a wonderful metaphysical teacher herself, an integrated channel, medium, and Reiki Master and I resonate with her work and experiences so much.